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  • 41 tutorials
  • 5 hr 31 min 26 sec
Section 2.1: Google Merchant Center Setup

What is Google Merchant Center Next and how does it work?

In this video, you'll learn what Google Merchant Center is and how valuable it will be for you in setting up, optimizing and scaling your Google Shopping campaigns. 

Knowing the ins and outs of Merchant Center will give you the edge when optimizing Shopping campaigns.


Yes, a Google Merchant Center account can have only one verified website / domain, so you have to create accounts for each of your stores.


📘 How to Set Up Google Merchant Center Feed Rules ➤ Read here

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2 years ago

What if I change the name and domain of my store?
Do I have to disconnect the GMC before making the changes so the account will not get in trouble?
Do I have to create a new GMC after changing the name and domain of the store?

Thank you for your helpful content

Jo Vucic
2 years ago
Reply to  David

Hi David,

If you already have an account and want to change the name and domain of the store, all you need to do is unverify and unclaim the old domain and then replace it with the new domain name. To change the store name, you need to edit the “Business display name” in the Bussiness information settings of the Merchant Center account.

If the account is suspended, then we advise against cancelling the account and creating a new one. If Google notices that you created a new account while having a suspended one, the new account will get blacklisted too.

But, in the case of creating a new account while having a suspended one, you need to do it with different contact information, domain, store, etc; nothing can be linked to the old account.

2 years ago

I have a question. Should I linked GG Ads with GMC?

Ela Bruce
2 years ago
Reply to  Nguyen

Hi Nguyen,

Yes, you should have linked the two so you can access Google Ads campaign data in your Google Merchant Centre account, section 2.6 shows you how to do this.

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