Section 2: Theory

Understanding Your Buyer's Journey


In this lesson, we're going to go deep into your Ecom funnel.

Your store has a funnel, whether you know it or not.

There's a journey they go through when they visit your store, view your product page, add to cart and going through the checkout to purchase.

The stores that generate 5, 6 and even 7 figures per month don't just focus on one area of this funnel (like traffic). They focus on the entire funnel and optimize each stage of that journey.

In the video above, I break down each stage, show you the metrics that matter, and the impact that just a few little optimizations can have on your whole store's profitability.

In this video, I show you this Google Sheet funnel, you can create your own copy here and test it out with your own metrics: 

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1 year ago

I'm becoming more excited as I go deeper.

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