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Does your online store need an ecommerce blog?

An ecommerce blog is an excellent way to build an audience and generate traffic by publishing information relevant to your product or service.

What is a Blog?

The actual word ‘blog' stands for Web log or Weblog. It's a collection of online posts, often in diary-style entries, that present a person's or company's thoughts, beliefs, or activities. 

Usually, posts are shown from newest to oldest, with the most recent ones appearing at the top of the page.

Why you need an ecommerce blog

The online marketplace is competitive and almost cutthroat at times. eCommerce blogging is an affordable yet compelling way to differentiate your brand and attract customers. 

There are several reasons why you should write an ecommerce blog. These include:

Improved search engine ranking

Search engines index all content on the internet and then show it to user's when it's relevant to their search query. So, to boost your chances of appearing for searches, keep your content relevant to your business.  

Position your articles to be relevant to your products, niche, and customer search keywords. A well-written blog drives traffic to your site at a fraction of the price of paid ads. As a result, it's easier to convert visitors to subscribers and then into paying customers.

Become a niche authority

People trust industry leaders and are likely to purchase from a business they see as an authority in its niche. Publish informative and relevant content to set yourself up as an expert in your industry. People who see your blog as exciting or important are more likely to share it, attracting more potential clients.

Product description sales potential

The information on your actual product pages can be informative, but you're limited to focusing on features and functionalities. eCommerce blogging allows you to go beyond the product page and connect with your audience in various ways. 

You can do reviews or comparisons and present the product to the reader in novel ways beyond simply describing its attributes.

Build a brand

People are emotional beings that want to feel connected to the companies they support. They want to understand what your brand and image represent and to confirm that it fits into their expectations. 

More and more consumers want to know whom they're supporting and what the company stands for. A blog allows you to develop your brand by sharing your company's story and values.

Customer retention

People are emotional beings that want to feel connected to the companies they support. They want to understand what your brand and image represent and to confirm that it fits into their expectations and personas. 

More and more consumers want to know whom they're buying from, and what the company stands for. A blog allows you to develop your brand by sharing your company's story and values.

There is so much to blog about

You should write about your brand and products if you're passionate about them. Unfortunately, some people are afraid to start an ecommerce blog because they think they'll run out of ideas. 

However, products constantly evolve, and several blogging resources can help you develop relevant content. Furthermore, you're doing a disservice to your customers by not blogging, as they won't get to learn more about who you are and why your brand is so unique. 

4 Content tips for your ecommerce blog

If you want your ecommerce blog to be successful, here are a few recommendations to follow. 

  • Focus on quality rather than quantity.
  • Be Organized, and plan your content well in advance, so you don't land up with poor copy and repeat blog articles.
  • Establish a balance between expertise and promotion, don't make all your content a sales pitch.
  • Hire a professional if you're not a good writer or are too busy to create content.

Increased sales with ecommerce blogging

Many online store owners don't consider blogging a way to market to potential customers. Yet, with some creative content creation, you can increase sales and retain existing customers for longer. 

Stick to quality articles, and strike a good balance between expertise and sales pieces. For a fraction of the cost of traditional online advertising, your ecommerce blog will bring attention to your brand. 

For more ecommerce information, tips, and tutorials, signup for our newsletter and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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