Conversion Rate Optimization

We use tried-and-true methods of analysis, testing, and implementation to increase a store’s conversion rate

Our clients convert shoppers into customers at greater rates for their stores, generating higher revenue to fuel larger budgets to outpace their competition in the marketplace — which is how self-funded ecommerce businesses truly grow.

In a nutshell, this is achieved because we do the following:

  • Diagnose which parts of your store are underperforming and why.
  • Develop an empathetic understanding of your shoppers’ experience, learning who they are and where they come, and identifying their objections.
  • Study your sales funnel to spot any friction points or missing parts.
  • Obsess over your marketplace; the industry, the social media and review landscape, and the competition. This knowledge helps us focus on your store’s core strengths and find possibilities for improving your positioning.
  • Determine the best tests and their priority to get the “biggest bang for the buck” as soon as possible.
  • Methodically implement those tests, and share the winning data with you so that the strategies can be transferred across your media.

Our approach

In a word, our approach is: scientific. To do CRO well, it’s imperative to abandon assumptions about what works and wholly operate from an objective mindset.

Yes, we have lots of experience in having tested what works elsewhere, and that does help us when prioritizing what gets tested first. However, good CRO is a systematic process across multiple disciplines to find out what works for your store.

Think of Amazon.

When was the last time you saw Amazon launch a new design of its site? Ever. If you had screenshots of what Amazon looked like last year and compared it to today, do you think they would look the same? Definitely not.

Amazon, and every other ecommerce giant that you can think of, evolve their store through incessant, rigorous testing. Amazon’s been doing it since before CRO was even a coined term, and it is indisputably the greatest, yet least known, reason for their online growth.

Without getting too wordy about it, CRO is a science that includes:

  • Heuristic analysis of your store’s usability
  • Exit, pre-purchase, and post-purchase surveying
  • User experience observation (session recording, click mapping, heatmaps, etc)
  • Visitor profile modeling
  • Marketing funnel development
  • Testing, testing, testing

All with the single-minded goal toward incremental improvement to your conversion rate.

Notice, none of this involves designing pretty websites. Amazon sure isn’t pretty; and it never has been. It’s simply had a CRO methodology to nudge it toward the ubiquitous shopping site that it is today.

This is the immutable “secret” of the massively successful online stores. Yes, their marketing and business models are part of the sauce too, of course. But nothing matters at scale more than this one metric: conversion rate.

Our approach is to initiate the journey of constant improvement for your store through a rigorous methodology that’s been proven to work.

Want to know more about our approach? There are two books we read and quote with reverence. “Don’t Make Me Think” by Steve Krug, and “Making Websites Win” by Dr. Karl Blanks and Ben Jesson. These are the pioneers, and we’ve learned much in their wake of their research and success. If you want to learn more about how we approach CRO and why, start there.

Our team

To quote a recent best-selling business book, “It’s about who, not how.” Our team exemplifies how much we consider this a truth.

We do have lots of internal reference guides and processes so that we can be efficient, of course. But it’s the conversion rates specialists and their supporting team themselves that are how we drive the conversion rate increases for our clients’ stores.

Each specialist has over 5 years of hands-on experience doing successful CRO (which is practically a lifetime in this new field of science), using the technology and tools critical to the methods and analysis involved.

More importantly, we embraced each of them to the team because of how they think and act. They give a damn about making your store see its potential, and you’ll believe that within the first few weeks of interaction.

Can you see your store becoming one of our success stories?

We help businesses worldwide, so get in touch!

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